My track record
I am not a career politician and have earned my living from the age of 16. From a supermarket hand to a career in UK Local Government Finance. For twenty-five years I was a senior civil servant in Jersey, thirteen of them as a Chief Officer. I have held senior positions in Jersey’s finance and legal sectors for seven years as well as being active in voluntary work including Chairman and Treasurer of the Arts Centre. I have been a Planning Officer from 2015- 2017 for States of Alderney, am now a self employed external consultant.
I served as a Deputy for St Brelade for three years from 2011-14. I chaired the Environment Scrutiny Panel and served on several committees including the Access to Justice group.
I successfully brought many private member’s propositions to the States, which
- improved the planning law and introduced a new Planning appeals system
- secured tax allowances for charitable donations;
- secured budget increases for environmental improvements;
- secured vital strengthening of Planning policies including;
- protection for St Brelades bay,
- protection for neighbouring properties from damaging development,
- over 55 housing in all parishes,
- achieved a return to work scheme;
- saved the loss of survivor’s pensions; and
- kept Piquet House in public ownership and use.
In the States I submitted 119 Questions on on many subjects (Finance, housing, urban regeneration, health and education, taxis, heritage, sewers, as well as Planning and Environment.) highlighting important issues for ministers and holding them to account.
I fought for individual citizens experiencing injustices. and never turned anybody away; I represented people at Complaints Boards, and planning panel and appeals. Since leaving the States, I carried on working for people and achieved the final approval of a Planning Obligation agreement providing security of tenure for the Ollivers Farm residents at Ouaisne who for many years have had the risk of eviction from their homes from development.