I was elected Deputy for St Brelade’s No 1 after giving up a career working as a Law firm Director and finance industry accountant. Before that I was Chief Officer of Planning for 13 years, a Health service Manager and Treasury Accountant.
In 2011 The States elected me as Chairman of the Environment Scrutiny Committee, onto PPC and the legal access review group.
As scrutiny chair I have held nearly fifty public hearings and reviews which have influenced Ministerial policies.
Working as a backbencher, I lodged twenty propositions and gained States agreement to many important changes to the Island Plan, amendments to the Planning Law, saved Piquet House, gained tax relief for charitable donations, reduced stamp duty for first time buyers, and continued survivor’s pensions for over 55’s. I have submitted over one hundred and fifty States questions to gain information on issues raised with me by the public.
So I am not afraid of hard work. Time prevents me today from speaking about my policies; these are set out in my leaflet and website including my CV. I want to talk to you about the way our government presently works highlighted by the new hospital project.
I have had many people including GP’s and former consultants all express serious concern over the two site hospital option which they unanimously consider unworkable. After nearly two years of this two site project working through the States with members asking for involvement, It took a scrutiny report and backbench members speaking strongly in the budget debate yesterday to gain a commitment from Ministers that the two site solution for the hospital would be brought to the States for decision, with alternatives costed and benefits appraised.
Yet the doubt in the community has been well known from day one. This raises important questions .
Do you prefer a government which involves and communicates with you openly and faces reality or one which leans heavily on PR spin or token communication where decisions are made first and you are consulted later?
Do you prefer a government which is genuinely committed to include all democratically elected members in policy setting on behalf of our community, or where public policy is decided in a small inner group?
Do you prefer a style of government which is inclusive and in line with Jersey’s traditions, or one which operates UK style which will eventually lead to party politics?
On 15 Oct you have a choice of more of the same or voting for change. You will hear very impressive speeches from the current Ministers, polished by years of practice in some cases.
If you would like a new approach to Ministerial government, I invite you to consider electing new Senators including myself. I have been prepared to put my political future on the line. If elected I will devote myself to the Ministerial challenge pursuing my manifesto policies. I have the judgement and experience to deliver real change.
I humbly ask for one of your eight votes
Thank you for listening