My Policy Aims -Environment

My policy aims for the environment include:

  • Sustainable population –limiting growth
  • Protecting our coast and countryside.
  • A town development plan to regenerate our urban area
  • More open space in town
  • An end to town cramming
  • Restoring the St Helier waterfront to the community
  • Improved traffic management
  • Increased recycling of waste
  • Elimination of water pollution
  • Improved public transport
  • Promote renewable energy

Our urban areas have to be transformed into places where people want to live.  A major initiative to improve our town area is required. Traffic management, more open space, improvement areas designated, redevelopment of empty offices to homes, major public infrastructure e.g. all to be included. The revised Waterfront master plan has to give priority to public and community uses over offices. This area cannot continue to be developed at the expense of running down the back streets, this area has to be part of  a holistic town development plan. The expensive States of Jersey Development Company can no longer be justified. It should be reviewed and its functions taken back within government.

We should pursue the development of utility scale renewable energy which offers the potential for the  new skills, new businesses and jobs.

The Island is still under pressure from development of our coast and countryside.  Planning matters require greater vigilance and scrutiny; we have seen too many out of scale developments which have changed our Island for ever. Recently we are seeing too many challenges to the Island Plan policies from those with the means to do so while ordinary people have to jump through many planning hoops. We must work to keep our Coastal National Park largely unspoiled.

I want to see the new Planning appeals system reviewed and a Planning Tribunal made up of an Inspector and two other members  to have full jurisdiction. It cannot be right that their carefully recommendations on appeals are overridden on ministerial whim.

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