Bailiwick Express recently published an interesting personal insight into all the 2014 Senatorial candidates , here is mine
Q . What one thing would you do to improve life in Jersey?
A. Policies to reduce traffic congestion , still more and better public transport , restore a traditional car ferry in addition to fast ferry for reliability and day trips .
Q What’s your favourite place in Jersey?
A St Aubins harbour
Q What’s your favourite meal?
A. Spaghetti Bolognese
Q. What’s your favourite pizza topping?
A. Quatre Fromage
Q. What’s your favourite drink?
A. Cider (Somerset or C.I )
Q,. What’s your favourite song?
A. Turn, Turn, Turn by The Byrds ( Bob Dylan song)
Q. What’s your favourite book?
A. As a Bibliophile , impossible for me to chose one
Modern Fiction – Sovereign-C J Sampson ( Historic crime fiction)Early 20th Century Fiction – Dead Ned John Masefield ( Poet Laurate) so fresh – warants a film script
Classic – Far from the Madding Crowd- Thomas Hardy
Non Fiction – Diaries – Alan Clark ( Politics with spice )
Q. What’s your favourite film?
A. Not a great film goer , but anything with great film music , by John Williams, Craig Armstrong , Thomas Newman , Hams Zimmer ,
Most fun The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel ( music by Thomas Newman )
Q. If you were an animal what would you be?
A .Dolphin
Q. Who would you like to be stuck in a lift with, and why?
A. Boris Johnson , his gift for making humour and creative expression and I would love to learn how he does it ,and pick up lots of anecdotes
Q. Who would you hate to be stuck in a lift with, and why?
A. Russell Brand
Q. Who would you vote for in this election if you couldn’t vote for yourself?
A. Sam Mezec