My other Channel Island Roles and Jersey’s new hospital

I was from 2008-2010, a reserve member of the States of Guernsey Planning Appeals Tribunal and attended a Judicial Studies Board Tribunal course in the UK, before setting up the processes of the new law.

After leaving the States in 2014 I fulfilled my commitment to the members of the Jersey public whose personal grievances against States departments required my assistance. I took on a significant complaints board case which I saw to completion.

In March 2015  I was invited to take up the position of Alderney’s Planning Officer and to review their Land Use Plan and Planning law. Between June 2015 and September 2017 I  have commuted most weekends between the Islands.  Since then I have been an external adviser to their States and fulfilled my commitment to the people of Alderney making short monthly visits whilst working in Guernsey with their law officers. In March 2018 their States approved the new Land Use Plan and passed a further four Ordinances amending Planning law bringing the project total to seven law changes in three years. Full details are on the States of Alderney website with five videos I have produced with David Earl who is well known in the BBC. For more information follow this link–Draft-BDCC-Ordinances-2018—VIDEO–Billet

In July 2017 I took on a major role preparing for and attending the Planning inquiry for Jersey’s new Hospital  last October as the proposed scheme will do irreparable damage to the urban environment of St Helier and the lives of residents of surrounding streets. Their homes will be blighted. Since the Planning Inspectors rejection of the planning application I have worked with a group of concerned citizens who met at the Inquiry,  led by Sir Nigel Broomfield . We are campaigning to ensure alternative sites for the hospital development receive proper examination before a binding decision is made to spend circa £500M on a fragmented hospital and have to tolerate eight years of noise and disruption in town. Jersey needs a single new hospital which meets our future needs, faster, better and if that can be done cheaper.  that is a bonus.

I have written regularly for  Rural Jersey Country Life magazine, including on Alderney.



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